AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty

Do you love sharks? Are you scared of them? Or do you just want to just learn more about them?


How This Course Works

This course demonstrates why sharks are vulnerable, the importance of a healthy shark population, managing threats and how to raise awareness to protect them.

If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is AT LEAST 12 years old, you can enroll in this course.

What Will Your Schedule Look Like?

This course involves a 1.5 hour presentation on our Coral Reefs with an Afternoon 2 tank dive or snorkel trip

  • 10:00AM – 11:30AM Coral Reef AWARE interactive Presentation

  • 12:15PM – 4:30PM 2 tank dive or snorkel trip

  • Total Rate: $265 + tax

Check-in/Boat Location:

Silent World Dive Center

51 Garden Cove Dr.

Key Largo, FL 33037